B u i l d i n g   C o m m u n i t y

T h r o u g h   t h e   A r t   o f   P l a c e

Watkins Glen Lakefront Development Strategy

Watkins Glen, New York


The Lakefront Development Strategy targeted three areas within the Village of Watkins Glen, a popular destination in the heart of New York’s Finger Lakes Region, bordering Seneca Lake. A one-day community workshop began with a Walk-n-Talk visit to gain a better understanding of the existing conditions, discuss preliminary observations and identify goals for improvements. The next several hours were spent designing solutions, preparing graphic plans and putting together a public presentation. That evening, plans were presented to the community to solicit feedback. Comments were later addressed in final revisions. The three plans included recommendations for improvements to the Main Street Corridor, plans to develop two prominent waterfront parks, a design for residential and mixed-use development along the Chemung Canal, and significant improvements to connections and linkages. Design Guidelines for the downtown and the waterfront were then developed as part of the project.

Work contributed to by Mary Moore Wallinger while employed by Synthesis Architects, LLP. © Synthesis Architects LLP.